News blog


Our curling club officially dates back to 1854, although it is thought the origins could be even earlier. Ken Gray completed research and published a booklet A Brief History of Ayr and Alloway Curling Club 1854-2010, which can be downloaded below. This was based on the booklet provided to members in 2004, as part of the 150th Celebrations.

We are very pleased to announce the recruitment of our new Development Officer, Angela. Angela commenced her role at the beginning of the season

Alan McKinlay served for 10 years as club secretary, starting in 2010. In that time he has done a magnificent job, keeping the Club running smoothly and dealing with all the issues in his quiet, efficient manner. On 7 October 2020, the opening night of the season, Alan was presented with a pair of curling stones, as a token of...

Most of you will have have realised that it was possible we would have to close with the announcement on Wednesday by the Scottish Government.

Perhaps the most unusual circumstances ever seen for our first game of the season, saw a variety of face coverings on display. President Hazel Steele welcomed all the members and thanked them for playing this year, even with the extra precautions needed for the Covid-19 pandemic.

The previous version of Return to Curling made reference to a 30 person limit, but it has since been confirmed that the Scottish Government guidance on a 30 person limit refers only to outdoor contact sports.

Update 30 Sept 2020. Four players have withdrawn from curling after commiting to play, so the committee has reduced the number of rinks from eight to seven. The Knockout will be run as a league competition, and the draw has been made accordingly. You can download the list of rinks and schedule below.

Ayr and Alloway only managed to field one rink for Opening Day on 28 Sept 2020, but perhaps quality counts over quantity, as they went on to win Session 2, with an impressive 11 shot victory (13-2). The rink was Charlie Steele, John Macleod, Hugh Kennedy and Ken Ireland.

The first ever "virtual "AGM was held on 25 March 2020. Secretary Alan circulated a number of papers by email on 18 March 2020 viz. President's Report, Treasurer's Report, Secretary's Report and Match Secretary's Report.

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