News blog


A very enjoyable get-together was held on 29 September 2022 at The Bothy coffee shop in Auchincruive.

The AGM and Presentation of prizes was held in the Savoy Park Hotel on 16 March 2022. This was a scaled down version with no meal, as the ice rink had to close with the ice men testing positive for Covid. We had planned a dinner, prepared by caterer Lorrie and had expected a good turnout. With several of our...

Well, that's it, the Autumn League is over and having led from week 1 Willie is crowned champion! On the final night however it did not go without some nervous glances across to where the rink of David was playing but in the end it was all smiles for Willie's rink which included Linda Wilson as 3rd, Murray Hutchison as...

Well, that's it for another week – and indeed for this season! As I remarked last week it seems no time since we took to the ice for the start of another season and yet, apart from next week's Pairs competition, that's us until the autumn. Hopefully everyone has enjoyed their curling on Wednesday evenings.

Ayr & Alloway arranged a match against the Disnae Club on 7 March 2022, to give them match practice. Disnae have been very successful this year in recruiting new members, through the Try Curling and coaching classes. Many of their members work, so only five were available for this afternoon match, but AACC members stepped up to fill the...

The Pairs competition was held on 2 March 2022, with six rinks playing, and with a combination of winners, best losers and losers we managed a fun competition. John McLeod's amazing draw shot to almost the centre spot got him and Milly into the semi.

League 2021-22


Well, that's it for another week - and indeed for this season! It seems no time since we took to the ice for the start of another season not knowing what might be in store in terms of Covid restrictions but thankfully here we are having completed all our games and hopefully everyone has enjoyed being back curling on Wednesday evenings....

Well, that's the first competition over - an autumn league instead of the usual knockout and honours deservedly go to Milly and her rink comprising Charlie Steele at lead, Alicia Smith at 2nd and new member/super sub David Graham at 3rd. An excellent performance - well done to all. Leaders from the first week to the last and just...

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