Points Competition - Blairston Medal

6 members participated in the Points competition on Thursday 2 February 2023. Although a slightly disappointing entry it was enjoyed - I think - by all. With fewer players than normal all 10 disciplines were able to be played and this certainly proved a challenge, not just in skill but also in stamina. Alan McKinlay was aiming to win the Blairston Medal for the 3rd year in a row but, in his own words, he failed miserably! Instead Charlie Steele took the honours with David Graham a point behind and Douglas Haddow in 3rd place. All participants however deserve a pat on the back for playing.
Thanks to Alan Chapman and David Gray for acting as scorers. David had intended to play but his exertions on the golf course in the morning seemed to have exhausted him so scoring was the easier option. I am sure however that he will be back next year competing!
It is often said - and thought - that this competition is only for the better curlers within the Club but that is not so. Yes, it tests one's skills, or lack of, but it is also fun and much pleasure and encouragement is gained when one does actually execute even just one of the disciplines. Hopefully next year we can encourage greater participation, especially when the Club pays the ice charge!