Great day out at Stranraer

Six rinks made the trip to Stranraer on 1 November 2023. Secretary Liz had done a magnificent job of organising the day, with coffee and scones on arrival, a game of curling followed by soup and sandwich lunch. Thereafter our second game concluding with tea and shortbread before returning home. All for a staggering £35 per person! Now that is value for money.

Ronnie Wilson's rink took the honours with two wins and the highest up ends. Ronnie was supported by Paul Williams, Jean Thomson and Liz Tait. The unfortunates at the other end of the table were Alan Richmond, Charlie Steele, Peter Kennedy and Jane Cherry who received a token chocolate bar.
The ice was excellent, keen with good swings. And we were looked after very well by Gail and her team. A lovely day out and all are enthusiastic about returning in February.