Alan McKinlay Presentation

Alan McKinlay served for 10 years as club secretary, starting in 2010. In that time he has done a magnificent job, keeping the Club running smoothly and dealing with all the issues in his quiet, efficient manner. On 7 October 2020, the opening night of the season, Alan was presented with a pair of curling stones, as a token of the Club's thanks for his dedicated service. He duly delivered the stone with the smooth action we recognise.
Alan sent a message to President Hazel:
"I was absolutely delighted to receive the most handsome curling stones
on Wednesday evening. I spoke to Donald Macrae yesterday to thank him
most sincerely for his truly most generous gesture. It was extremely
kind of him. He recalled meeting me 10+ years ago in Newmarket St when I
had agreed (or possibly it was hoped that I had agreed) to take over
from Ken and I am glad that I don't seem to have failed in his
expectations of me. His other comment was that "a gentleman should
always have 2 stones"! You can take from that what you wish but I'll
take it as a compliment.
If anyone has to get the blame, or credit, for
my time as secretary it is Linda. I was just about to retire and she
said that as I would have so much more time on my hands I had no excuse
not to take on the role. I still take issue with her on that remark! Seriously it has been a pleasure (mostly!) to serve the Club and having
persuaded Liz to take over I am really sorry that she has had a baptism
of fire in the last 6 months. I certainly never expected that she, and
you, would have to cope with all the difficulties and problems which
have arisen and continue to confront everyone but I have no doubt that
she is a very worthy and capable successor. Please let the committee know whenever you next meet how grateful I am
for the presentation of the stones which now reside splendidly and
securely locked in our front porch.
Regards and best wishes, Alan