2017-18 League Table Report

Well, that's it for another week - and indeed for this season! I don't know about the rest of the membership who like us all are getting older but time certainly appears to go quicker nowadays and it seems like only yesterday when we were taking to the ice for the start of another season. Although the league title had already been sown up last time out by Alex there was still plenty at stake on our final evening. Alan may have been in pole position to finish second but any slip up on his part and Charlie and Carol were waiting to pounce. At the opposite end of the table Jim had already been consigned to finish bottom much to the relief no doubt of Bella but for both there was some pride to be salvaged and in Jim's case perhaps dent Alan's hopes of the runner up spot.
Alex has enjoyed an excellent season with only one loss to date in his campaign but beforehand he did wonder if this last game would be a disappointing finale - and so it proved. After finishing in second place last year this season has not been one of Bella's best but at least she finished on a high by inflicting a rare defeat on Alex. In front from the outset she never relinquished her lead keeping a minimum 2 shot cushion throughout before eventually ensuring victory by 7-4. Disappointing perhaps for the champion Alex but much satisfaction for Bella. In what was one of the night's crucial ties Alan faced the prospect of not just losing his second spot but also of being the first rink to lose to Jim this season - not something which he wanted to contemplate! It has not been a happy year on the ice for Jim but in a close encounter there was little between the rinks. Early success for Jim was countered by Alan who managed to approach the final end with a narrow 1 shot advantage and with only the skips' stones to come he also held shot. It was a question of keeping Jim out - not always possible! - but success came in the end. Victory by 6-4 and Alan had held on to second spot. Meantime on an adjoining sheet Charlie was trying his utmost to ensure that if Alan failed he would be in prime position to take advantage and after exchanging shots with Ed in the opening ends he steadily moved ahead before eventually winning by 9-2. No doubt the occasional glance at Alan's scoreboard was giving him some encouragement but with only 3 defeats, 2 of which were to the rinks above him, it has been yet another competitive season for Charlie and his rink with a third place finish. Meantime for Carol it was also all to play for in her game against Geoff. Any slip ups by Alan and Charlie could have propelled her into second spot but in recent weeks Geoff has bounced back from an inauspicious start when he lost 3 of his first 4 games so victory for Carol would not be easy. Again glances were being cast at her scoreboard by Charlie and Alan and at first the signs for them were encouraging. After exchanging 4 shots apiece in the first 2 ends Geoff moved ahead only to lose a further 4 shots in the penultimate end leaving the rinks peeled as they entered the last end. For a spell it looked from the sidelines that Carol held the advantage but Geoff was not to be outdone and a final score of 2 shots to him brought victory by 10-8 and thus extinguished any hopes which Carol may have harboured whilst at the same time leapfrogging her in the final table. The last game of the night saw David take on Alistair who, unfortunately, was a player short. Depending on results elsewhere there was the carrot of a possible fourth place finish for both skips. It was a close encounter with single shots being sufficient to win every end. Eventually victory went to David although I am told that on more than one occasion Alistair was "very unlucky" - a familiar tale which we have all encountered! - but the win allied to Carol's defeat meant that David moved into fourth spot beating Geoff on shots difference.
So that is it. Another season over and hopefully everyone has enjoyed their curling. It was good to welcome new member Alicia Smith and "nearly new" member Liz Tait this year into a rink as well as Sheila McDougall to the Reserves list. Unfortunately both at the start of the season and then during it we lost some members due to injury or ill health but hopefully next season we shall be able to welcome back some members who had to miss all or part of this year. More new members however will always be very welcome and as those on the reserves list know you are still likely to get quite a few curling opportunities during the season so please bring forward the names of anyone who might be interested in joining.
Meantime we look forward to the Prizegiving Dinner and Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 7 March at the Abbotsford Hotel to which I hope most will be able to attend and all that remains for me now is to wish everyone a good (and healthy) summer.